Sunday, May 31, 2009


summer is starting again. this weekend has been glorious. i have quite a lot to accomplish this summer however. ive received less then what i would consider satisfactory grades on my papers this quarter. im going to work on better time management and less procrastination, along with my writing skills. 

this will include actually writing in this blog. i also have, have to practice french. i need to bring up my gpa. i still have a 3.5, but to me, at an art school i feel this isnt good enough. 

i also have my thesis to start working on, i would prefer to have an entire years worth of research done before i start writing it then just  a quarter. ive also decided i really want to do the peace corps again. hopefully i can get in, it will be interesting to see if this can happen but i do have experience working with non profits so im hoping that helps. 

i also have been really considering becoming a preservation lawyer. i'll post more about this later, cuz im super sleepy and im going running tomorrow. 

tan, thin, and productive are goals for the summer. 

sincerely yours,