Saturday, June 21, 2008

i gave in

I finally got frustrated at the stupidity of walmart and took my bike to a bike shop. i couldn't take it, i didnt have the wrench that i needed to tighten everything up, along with missing parts. great! i love it! NOT! gah. on top of my horrible bike putting together skills when i walked into the bike shop the owner, or the guy at the counter desided to be mean about the fact that i brought in a walmart bike into his shop. o dear god!! im a freakin poor ass art student, of course i got my bike from walmart. i just need something to get from point a to point b dear god. 

he then was like well i cant just take a wrench to it for free, im fully aware of this fact and fully able to pay him for his work, but he could have been a bit nicer about the whole situation. 

so now i have to wait, he'll be done in about 2 hours, and in order for me to get my bike back since its going to be all in one piece, and they dont have bike racks at the bike shop? i have to walk down town then ride it back. horray i'll be a big sweaty mess. love it. 

oo well only nice part was ben was at the bike shop so said hi to him, and then left before i started bitching about his place of work. 

so now ive bitched here, and im done. 

sincerely yours,

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