Sunday, June 1, 2008

people watching and the house

So ive realized that the best part of the phone slave part of my job is the people watching. Seriously i sit outside and just watch all kinds of events. Last night there was a wedding at the church across the square, and then all the guests just filed past as they went over to the hilton for the reception. Theres always the crowed of people who live on the block and walk there dogs around. along with the people heading to mellow mushroom, and of corse the tourists. I had to give a tour last night to about 15 girl scouts and some other poor tourists who had to deal with the 15 girl scouts. they werent that crazy most of the time but it got a little ridiculoso at the cemetery. I got let off work early because not enough people showed up for the 10:30 to split into different groups. 

So back the house i went. so the girls upstairs had been moving out all day and when i get back i notice people still moving stuff...but it was the new guys moving up stairs. They were pretty good about not being that loud i have to say they seem promising on the not going to be to crazy party...well minus the miller light glowing sign..but maybe its just one of them..hopefully. They wont be here until august anyway so we have a whole summer of the entire house to our selves. Well not like we can really go upstairs but w.e. 

i did clean the house yesterday. well most of it. the living has to wait because cary i think has yet to move off the couch. i came out this morning and the TV was still on so im guessing yet another late night movie marathon. i also cooked dinner last night and i only ate a little bit before work cuz i figured i would just eat more when i got off cuz usually im starving when i get off work. but alas cary and steven had destroyed the food. cary ate all the rice as well cuz steven doesnt eve like rice haha. so i know i need to make enough food for an army or put my portions away before i leave or else i will die of starvation in this house haha. 
audra gets back today! horray! the guys have out numbered me and i have been forced ot do more cleaning then usual. so hopefully she will help me crack the rains on the guys. cary leaves tomorrow afternoon to go to New Hampshire. Then emily is coming for a bit on tuesday. so hopefully this will be a good week. 

all for now maybe another post has the day goes on and things get eventful.
Sincerely, Mur 

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